Join Jeri Quinn, executive coach, management consultant, speaker, facilitator and author of The Customer Loyalty Playbook, 12 Game Strategies to Drive Improved Results in Your Business, for a facilitated discussion centered on effectively leading your company. Jeri’s book and other related articles will be the launch point for discussing the concerns each participant brings to the group.
![]() | CEO to CEO conversations |
![]() | Quick |
![]() | Easy |
![]() | Short Term |
![]() | Low commitment |
![]() | CEOs from same size companies |
- Answers to your questions. (ideas and feedback from your peers. Maybe even a little empathy)
- Something you don’t even know that you don’t know! (oh, those blind spots!)
- Professional development so you can lead change and growth
- What’s working for other companies of similar size. (If you don’t come away with at least one money making idea, you’re not listening to your fellow CEO’s.)
- Implementable ideas around our focus topics (leadership, employee engagement, customer experience, targeted marketing)
- The latest information on communication and brain neurology and how it can be utilized to increase employee productivity, handle conflict, increase the effectiveness of a sales team, reduce rework, stimulate innovation, handle customer complaints, and hold people accountable.
- Resources, connections, friendships
Register to Talk to CEO Peers in Same Size Companies
Discuss your business concerns with three of your peers in five 90 minute sessions.
- Get to know each other, what’s going well and what’s not, Focus on Customer Loyalty
- Focus on Leadership
- Focus on Employee Engagement
- Focus on Customer Experience
- Focus on Targeted Marketing and wrap up
CEO’s/Presidents/Founders/Managing Partners from various industries.
There will be four people per group for an intimate discussion. No two will be from the same industry in the same group. CEO’s will be grouped in 4 categories so you can be confident that you’ll be bouncing ideas around with people dealing with the same size business and types of concerns. The groupings are based on Gross Revenues from:
$200,000 to $1,000,000,
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000,
$5,000,000 to $10,000,000
$10,000,000 plus
WHEN: On a staggered schedule throughout 2016, evenings or early mornings. Meetings will be 7-14 days apart.
WHERE: Meetings can be in person or on the phone or a mix of both. Meetings could be at each other’s sites or at a neutral location.
INVESTMENT: Sliding scale starting at $500 going up to $2,500, paid up front to hold your seat.
The Customer Loyalty Playbook, 12 Game Strategies for Driving Improved Results in Your Business by Jeri Quinn
“Filled with everything you need to know to effectively build a growing and thriving business, maintain your customer base, and obtain long-term, highly efficient employees, The Customer Loyalty Playbook is a must-read for the serious business owner.”
~ Ivan Misner, Ph.D., NY Times Bestselling Author and Founder of BNI®
“Jeri is one of the most stimulating facilitators I’ve ever experienced. She brought out the different perspectives in the group and had me rethinking my assumptions. Her questions gave us all greater clarity as we broke down larger issues to their critical components. She obviously did a lot of preparation. The discussion was invigorating.”
~ Robert S. Elliott, JD, CPA, MBA, Shrinivas, Elliott & Eday LLP, CPAs
With more than 40 years as a serial entrepreneur, Jeri Quinn helps businesses drive improved results in client retention, profitability, employee engagement, leadership and a positive teamwork culture. A major thread in her work is brain-based communication that empowers. Jeri has worked with executives and teams in over 40 industries, spoken at major business expos including New York City’s Javits Center, facilitated business development and extraordinary customer service at institutions such as MoMA and AIG, and has partnered with New York City, The Kauffman Foundation, SUNY, Citibank, Merrill Lynch, HSBC, and Signature Bank to educate their clients. Jeri is certified in coaching, facilitation and executive leadership development, and is a certified behavioral, values and attribute analyst through Innermetrix Corporation.